Welcome to KCCEM!

To restore the brokenhearted to become devoted disciples of Christ
We believe that love from and for God comes first, that everything we do revolves around that love and worship.
We believe that people’s hearts, including Christians, are more hurting and broken than ever. We believe Jesus is the ultimate healer of hearts and wants to use our community to help restore our hearts and others, one person at a time.
We believe the restoration of our hearts is part of the process of building passionate and devoted disciples of Christ, and we want that growth to propel us to serve our church, local community, and the city of Columbus.
Service Times
Sundays @ 10:30AM in the EM Sanctuary
Our Sunday services feature contemporary worship, Gospel-based messages, and prayer. Attendants range from college students to single and married professionals. After service, everyone is welcome to share a simple meal together in the fellowship hall.
KCCEM cell groups are an integral part of our church. Our cell groups emphasize worship, fellowship, prayer support, and accountability, and also great times of discussion based on Scripture or other Christian material.
Saturdays @ 7:00 AM in the EM Sanctuary
If you are looking for a quiet place to pray and connect with the Lord and other believers, come out to Saturday morning prayer. It’s a time of quiet reflection and meditation to start the weekend.
There are many opportunities at KCCEM to worship God by serving the Body of Christ. If you want to get more involved, to grow closer to other believers through service, and to grow in your faith, come out and serve with us! We have opportunities in many areas, including children’s/youth ministry, media, worship, welcoming, cleaning, and administration.